ROM layout

 A good source of information about the arcade game is MAME. From the sources we can get a big-picture view of the contents of the ROM (this is from mame/drivers/segas16a.cpp):

ROM_START( shinobi )
	ROM_REGION( 0x40000, "maincpu", 0 ) // 68000 code
	ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "epr-12010.43", 0x000000, 0x10000, CRC(7df7f4a2) SHA1(86ac00a3a8ecc1a7fcb00533ea12a6cb6d59089b) )
	ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "epr-12008.26", 0x000001, 0x10000, CRC(f5ae64cd) SHA1(33c9f25fcaff80b03d074d9d44d94976162411bf) )
	ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "epr-12011.42", 0x020000, 0x10000, CRC(9d46e707) SHA1(37ab25b3b37365c9f45837bfb6ec80652691dd4c) ) // == epr-11283
	ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "epr-12009.25", 0x020001, 0x10000, CRC(7961d07e) SHA1(38cbdab35f901532c0ad99ad0083513abd2ff182) ) // == epr-11281

	ROM_REGION( 0x30000, "gfx1", 0 ) // tiles
	ROM_LOAD( "epr-11264.95", 0x00000, 0x10000, CRC(46627e7d) SHA1(66bb5b22a2100e7b9df303007a837bc2d52cf7ba) )
	ROM_LOAD( "epr-11265.94", 0x10000, 0x10000, CRC(87d0f321) SHA1(885b38eaff2dcaeab4eeaa20cc8a2885d520abd6) )
	ROM_LOAD( "epr-11266.93", 0x20000, 0x10000, CRC(efb4af87) SHA1(0b8a905023e1bc808fd2b1c3cfa3778cde79e659) )

	ROM_REGION16_BE( 0x080000, "sprites", 0 ) // sprites
	ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "epr-11290.10", 0x00001, 0x08000, CRC(611f413a) SHA1(180f83216e2dfbfd77b0fb3be83c3042954d12df) )
	ROM_CONTINUE(                    0x40001, 0x08000 )
	ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "epr-11294.11", 0x00000, 0x08000, CRC(5eb00fc1) SHA1(97e02eee74f61fabcad2a9e24f1868cafaac1d51) )
	ROM_CONTINUE(                    0x40000, 0x08000 )
	ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "epr-11291.17", 0x10001, 0x08000, CRC(3c0797c0) SHA1(df18c7987281bd9379026c6cf7f96f6ae49fd7f9) )
	ROM_CONTINUE(                    0x50001, 0x08000 )
	ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "epr-11295.18", 0x10000, 0x08000, CRC(25307ef8) SHA1(91ffbe436f80d583524ee113a8b7c0cf5d8ab286) )
	ROM_CONTINUE(                    0x50000, 0x08000 )
	ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "epr-11292.23", 0x20001, 0x08000, CRC(c29ac34e) SHA1(b5e9b8c3233a7d6797f91531a0d9123febcf1660) )
	ROM_CONTINUE(                    0x60001, 0x08000 )
	ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "epr-11296.24", 0x20000, 0x08000, CRC(04a437f8) SHA1(ea5fed64443236e3404fab243761e60e2e48c84c) )
	ROM_CONTINUE(                    0x60000, 0x08000 )
	ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "epr-11293.29", 0x30001, 0x08000, CRC(41f41063) SHA1(5cc461e9738dddf9eea06831fce3702d94674163) )
	ROM_CONTINUE(                    0x70001, 0x08000 )
	ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "epr-11297.30", 0x30000, 0x08000, CRC(b6e1fd72) SHA1(eb86e4bf880bd1a1d9bcab3f2f2e917bcaa06172) )
	ROM_CONTINUE(                    0x70000, 0x08000 )

	ROM_REGION( 0x20000, "soundcpu", 0 ) // sound CPU
	ROM_LOAD( "epr-11267.12", 0x0000, 0x8000, CRC(dd50b745) SHA1(52e1977569d3713ad864d607170c9a61cd059a65) )

	ROM_REGION( 0x1000, "n7751", 0 )      // 4k for 7751 onboard ROM
	ROM_LOAD( "7751.bin",     0x0000, 0x0400, CRC(6a9534fc) SHA1(67ad94674db5c2aab75785668f610f6f4eccd158) ) // 7751 - U34

	ROM_REGION( 0x08000, "n7751data", 0 ) // 7751 sound data
	ROM_LOAD( "epr-11268.1",  0x0000, 0x8000, CRC(6d7966da) SHA1(90f55a99f784c21d7c135e630f4e8b1d4d043d66) )

From this we already know which files contain code (epr-12*), which ones contain tilesets (epr-11264, epr-11265 and epr-11266) and which ones contain sprite sets (epr-11290 to epr-11297). 

The graphics files probably contain just the raw pixel data in the format expected by the graphics chips on the board. A quick search about the Sega System 16 technical specs (e.g. here is the Sega Retro page about the board) reveals that the board uses 16 bits per pixel with 5 bits per component (R, G and B) and 1 bit for highlight/shadow. So the only information missing to extract the tilesets and sprite sets from the dump is how the pixels are organized (how many pixels per line, how many lines, etc.). This information can probably be obtained by further studying the MAME sources, especially the implementation of the graphics chips. Alternatively, the M68k sources also contain this kind of information, but it's harder to read. 

And maybe it's not that straightforward, because the hardware can only show a limited number of colors on the screen at the same time. So it's likely that the tiles and sprites reference a color map or palette. Even then, it shouldn't be too much trouble to sort it out. 


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